$896M coal revival invites suppliers to southern Queensland
A reopening mine is keen to hear from contractors in Queensland’s Darling Downs region.
New Hope Corporation (NHC) recently invited suppliers who would like to work on part of the $896 million New Acland Coal Stage 3 Expansion, 53km northwest of Toowoomba.
“Two expressions of interest for the project’s infrastructure ramp up have been released to the market, with one of these work packages being released to potential contractors as a tender,” a spokesperson said in the latest quarterly report.
NHC revealed preparation work is underway for a train loadout facility, rail lines, roads, bridges, dams and other major infrastructure.
Construction is expected to take two years and the deal is worth about $198M.
Clearing and topsoil removal began on 1 May 2023. Drill equipment has been mobilised to let production drilling start shortly. Mobile equipment maintenance and safety mining lamps purchasing are also underway.
The $15M coal handling and preparation plan refurbishment is expected to allow first coal washing some time in the first quarter of fiscal 2024.