Golden Future Enterprise HK LTD. is registered in HK for the worldwide business. We are special on mining light and LED industrial lighting for hazardous area from 2005. And Our factory had got the ISO9001 certificate in 2007, and got TUV factory audit in 2011, CSA factory audit in 2013, ATEX Quality Assurance Assessment in 2016.
GF is a global leader in advanced mine safety products and technologies. And our global footprint includes distributors in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Ecuador and Australia, Mexico etc. Product ranges from cordless miner lamp, corded mining light to RFID miner lamp with swivel clip, Explosion proof light, dvr flashlight, dock light and off-road lights etc...
Here emphatically introduce the Features of miner lamp with RFID module.
Unique identification of cap lamp
Tracking of location
Flashing of light for evacuation notification
Daily mandatory self-test procedure
Online/Offline indicator
Emergency assistance request
Emergency stop signal to vehicles in range
Acknowledgment of evacuation notifications
Proximity warning to vehicles in range
Should you have any needed of miner lamp, pls contact us via or visit our website for further information. Thanks